Wu Shu Kwan Chinese Kickboxing

Monteagle Community Centre, Tresham Crescent, Yateley, GU46 6FR Directions


Wu Shu Kwan Yateley



The aim of Chinese Kickboxing is to progressively train your body as well as your mind to achieve positive health and to acquire effective skill to defend yourself successfully at all times. Chinese Kickboxing is the art of total self-defence.

I have been training with Wu Shu Kwan for around 32 Years now. It has given me a great source of exercise, fitness, social activity and enjoyment.
The classes are run by a well qualified high ranked Black Belt instructor, currently holding a 5th Degree.
You will find that Wu Shu Kwan classes are friendly and welcoming. This is true of all our classes around the UK, and abroad

Beginners are always welcome, and may start on any Tuesday evening where we encourage you to train along side the senior grades and the Black belts. This proves to be an excellent method of introducing novices to the exercises and traditional martial arts movements.

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