The Spring Charity
Spring Lane, Northampton, NN1 2JW Directions
Why Choose Us?
Our location
Business overview
We are working to benefit vulnerable families with children 0-5years in the Northampton town area (Spring Boroughs, Semilong, St James, The Mounts). Some of our families experience financial hardship, social, health or economic issues and much more. Families can self-refer, or be sign posted by health, other professionals, schools, or charities in the area. We run Stay and Play parent and child drop in sessions twice a week. These sessions help us to make contact and build relationships, so we can best meet our family’s needs.
We work in the one of the UK's most deprived city wards where many families face extreme hardship. By providing these activities and facilities for care and education, we help to promote social welfare and improve life chances benefitting both the families directly and the community at large.
Primarily the services we offer enable families to gain opportunities to improve their outcomes in life. For example they may access college courses, English and Maths classes, parenting courses, breast-feeding advice, introducing solids and healthy eating are just some of our typical services.
We are always looking for suitable volunteers who are DBS checked. We are very good at matching skills to the areas we need support. Please contact us if you would like to get involved. NB. In line with our safe-guarding policy an enhance DBS will be actioned for all volunteers.
Established in: 2006
Registered charity no.: 1121126