The Doghouse Sanctuary Charity Shop

Unit 2, 23, Dromore Rd, Banbridge, BT32 4EB Directions

Business overview

We are a registered Charity trying to prevent the unnecessary destruction of animals by taking them in at the sanctuary. We care for the animals until they get a new home and have a NO KILL POLICY.

The primary purpose of The Doghouse Sanctuary in Banbridge is to take dogs from the council dog wardens that are destined to be put to sleep, because they have not found a home within the statutory five days.

As well as re-homing dogs from the local councils the group also helps members of the public who due to various reasons are unable to look after their pet, these might be marriage break-ups, poverty, the death of an owner, but are reluctant to give their dog to a dog warden because of the fear of it being destroyed.

Dogs that come to the sanctuary have a full health check and are given vaccines and any other emergency medical treatment that is needed. they are then advertised as being suitable for re-homing and stay at the the sanctuary until a new home is found for them.


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