Tax & Save

Your friendly local Accountant

23 Whitestone Way, Croydon, CR0 4WF Directions

   Open today 09:00 - 21:00

Why Choose Us?

Weekend Deliveries
Free Consultation
Nationwide Coverage

Business overview

Croydon friendly Tax Accountant, affordable and effective

We 30 years combined professional experience Tax and Save Ltd was created by Hatem who is a qualified and experience Tax Agent. As a small business that understands the needs of other businesses with highy affordable fixes fees to ensure your Accounts and any HMRC related enquiries are dwelt with efficiently.


CIS refund, self-employed refund, Tax rebate
Preparing your self-assessment tax return, we submit it online on your behalf

Products & Services

tax returns

accounts preparation

sole traders

vat returns


company accounts

business plans

business advice

company formation

payroll services

tax advisers



  • Finance, MSc (University Level Qualification)


Thanks you

This review is my way to say thank you for the service I received from this accountant practice. 100% + satisfaction for both my self-assessment and company account.
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very professional

Your new offices looks very professional, we are lucky to have you for our payrolls, and you coffee was so welcomed on this rainy day
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