Stag Chemists
230 Stoney Lane, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, B12 8AN Directions
Our location
Business overview
Delivering healthcare to the community
We offer:
NHS Dispensing Prescriptions
Private Prescriptions
Health Advice
Private Consultation
FREE Repeat Prescription - Collection and Delivery Service
FREE Medication Reviews
Complimentary Therapies
Travel Healthcare
FREE Diabetes and Blood Pressure Testing Service
Emergency Hormonal Contraception
Products & Services
first aid supplies
cough remedies
cosmetics & toiletries
cold remedies
beauty equipment
late night pharmacy
oral hygiene
over the counter medicines
pain relief medicines
skin care products
vitamin supplements
A pharmacy with a difference.
5Recently taken over (It was a Lloyd's) this pharmacy provides more than pharmaceuticals. The two (?) pharmacist now operating this pharmacy, and their staff, are helpful, very knowledgeable and dare I say it - charming. On many occasions I, being 'old', and rapidly degenerating into senility, have been late into requesting the copious amount of drugs I need to keep breathing. This pharmacy has not only supplied me with the medication that I require, but has gone to the clinic next door and requested the appropriate medication for me. Thank you guys, you bring a lot more to Llandudno high St. than just a pharmacy. You bring a real service to the community, one that few others compete with. Long may you remain.