Shantona Women's Centre
Shepherds Lane, Leeds, LS8 5AW Directions
Our location
Business overview
Building Confidence & Independance In The Community Raising Aspirations For A Brighter Future.
Established in 1998 the Shantona Womens Centre originally offered help and support for women of the Bangladeshi community to build their confidence and independence. Now the centre has grown into a diverse, multi-cultural organisation offering women and young children an open, transparent service that builds upon their skills and helps bridge the gap between societies.
Breaking down barriers
Shantona is a well integrated, multi-service agency that supports vulnerable women and children in re-establishing them into the community. Our team have become a respected and renowned voice within the Bangladeshi community having helped to break down language/communication barriers to overcome ignorance and educate the wider society.
Mulit-lingual organisation
With 8 different languages spoken at the centre our culturally diverse group of staff have unrivalled knowledge, experience and understanding that has allowed us to meet the needs of our target audience. This has also gone someway in aid
Products & Services
BME Community
Domestic Violence Support
Young Outreach Programme
Nursery Provision Ages 3-5
community transport
Family Support Services
Parenting Sessions Ages 9- 19
support groups
voluntary services
elderly charities
health charities
Health Services
Youth Club
Mobile Creche Facility
Maternity Outreach
Reducing Health & Inequality
Drop In Sessions
Charitable Donations