Salford Community Transport
1 Hope St, Salford, Lancashire, M5 4WN Directions
Our location
Business overview
50 SUCCESSFUL YEARS OF PROVIDING SUPPORT TO LOCAL COMMUNITIES. WE HIRE MINIBUSES, OFFER MINIBUS DRIVER TRAINING AND COLLECT & SELL USED FURNITURE TO MEET THE NEEDS OF LOCAL PEOPLE. National Office for Community Transport, a charity that operates in the North East, North West and the midlands. We have three strands to the company, CT Furniture - previously CT Home (that collects and sells low cost furniture to local people), CT Passenger (that offer accessible transport) and CT Training(including H&S and First Aid). We provide a wide range of domestic and office furniture to suit all tastes and budgets. We have suites, wadrobes, bedsm drawers and other household items including bric-a-brac available at affordable prices. We hire accessible minibuses either with a driver or on a self drive basis for local community groups and support transport need for local authorities, ITAs, schools, NHS bodies and other statutory and other voluntary bodies. We also operate Dial-a-Ride, Shopper Buses and timetabled public service routes and car schemes with voluntary car drivers. We also cater for private events ranging from airport transfers, weddings and sporting events.