Polski Psychoterapeuta Bristol
Sessions in Bristol & online
Meadow Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol, BS32 8BN Directionshttps://www.yell.com/biz/polski-psychoterapeuta-bristol-bristol-9918922/#view=map
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Business overview
Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska, psychotherapist
mgr Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska
Ukończylam studia magisterskie z Pedagogiki oraz Studia Podyplomowe z zakresu Poradnictwa i Pomocy Psychologicznej na Uniwersytecie Zielonogórskim.
Zdobywalam doświadczenie w Network Counselling &Training w Wielkiej Brytanii, która jest szkołą counsellingu / psychoterapii. Moja praca podlega regularnej superwizji.
Prowadzę terapię skoncentrowaną na osobie, stworzoną przez Carla Rogers'a (person - centered therapy, terapia rogeriańska). Terapia ta oparta jest na relacji terapeuty z klientem, a jej główne założenia to autentyczność relacji, akceptacja i empatia. Klient decyduje nad czym chce pracowac i nadaje tempo pracy terapeutycznej.
I completed MA studies in Pedagogy and Postgraduate Studies in Counselling and Psychological Support at the University of Zielona Góra.
I have gained experience in Network Counseling & Training in Great Britain. My practice is under regular supervision.
I run a person-centered therapy created by Carl Rogers (person-centered therapy). This therapy is based on the therapist's relationship with the client, and its main assumptions are the authenticity of the relationship, acceptance and empathy. The client decides what he wants to work on and sets the pace of therapeutic.
Products & Services
Anxiety Management
Ataki paniki
Bereavement Counselling
Couples therapy
Individual Therapy
Mental Health
Mysli samobojcze
Narcystyczna przemoc
Niskie poczucie wlasnej wartosci
Online Therapy
Overcoming Fears
Panic Attacks Treatment
Poczucie smutku, pustki, depresja
Poradnictwo i Pomoc Psychologiczna
Problemy emocjonalne
Problemy w zwiazkach
Self Esteem Counselling
Stany lekowe i traumy
Stany przygnebienia
Stres, wypalenie zawodowe, kryzys w pracy
Stress Management
Terapia indywidualna
Terapia malzenska
Terapia online
Terapia par
Trauma Counselling
Uczucie cierpienia w zyciu
Zespol stresu pourazowego
5The best psychotherapist I ever had !
5I was waiting for so long to explain myself that I really need to start look after myself and my mental health. It wasn’t an easy decision to me show someone else my weakness …
But finally I found a great psychotherapist Mrs Agata
It will be a year soon and I feel much better
Mrs Agata is a great psychotherapist and she is a lovely person
From our first meeting I knew She is a right person
She is very professional has a lot of knowledge
She really easy can find a right solution for many aspect in my life
She is a very empathetic person also
I highly recommend Mrs Agata
5Professional with passion
5She helped me to start my healing process with mental and physical health. I’m very thankful to her.
Thank you kindly. Best regards. Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska
Thank you kindly. Best regards. Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska
5Thank you kindly. Best regards. Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska
Thank you kindly. Best regards. Agata Wiacek-Lukaszewska
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