Nuance Counselling

Small Thatched Cottage Church St, Eynsham, Witney, OX29 4UG Directions

Business overview

There are many reasons why people come for counselling, but every person’s story is unique. For some, the need for emotional support may have been prompted by a recent crisis such as redundancy, the loss of a loved one or an unexpected diagnosis. Others may be aware that issues from the past have begun to impact on their health, relationships or work life. And for some, life has become little more than a daily battle against depression and anxiety, manifest in ways as diverse as panic attacks, OCD and disturbances in sleep or eating patterns. Whatever the presenting issues, Nuance Counselling seeks to provide:

- A refuge from the demands of daily life where clients can begin to express their deepest fears and emotions

- An accepting and non-judgmental environment in which to explore the causes of their psychological pain

- Help to develop realistic goals to find a way forward that is right for each individual client

- Support and empowerment to make difficult choices to bring about effective and lasting change

Products & Services


Anxiety Counselling

Bereavement Counselling

Anger Management

Abuse Counselling

Wellbeing Counselling

Trauma Counselling

Stress Management


Family Counselling

Supporting Effective Relationships

Group Therapy

Self Esteem Counselling


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