
with Yell

Norman Lock & Son

95 years of service to the community

Gardenia, Black Torrington, Beaworthy, EX21 5QD Directions

   Open 24 Hours

Why Choose Us?

Family Owned
Personal Service
Open All Year

Business overview

A caring, local, independently owned funeral service with over 95 years of continuous service to the community

Norman Lock and Son Funeral Service is a truly independent, family owned company in Black Torrington, Devon, with experience carried down through four generations of the family.

We will ensure that your loved one will be cared for with courtesy and respect by our family team and hope this reassurance will provide you with some comfort and at a difficult time. Our family team and facilities ensure that we continue to provide the highest level of service to the community.

Our family is here to look after your family and your loved one. We are here for you 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

We know that families put great trust in the Funeral Director to ensure that arrangements are carried through with the utmost dignity, sentitivity and professionalism.

We are proud that Kate, the fourth generation to enter the Lock family business has gained her Diploma in Funeral Directing (Dip FD).

Decisions and choices are personal and take a lot of thought. We hope that the help and guidance we offer, throughout this difficult and distressing time, will prove some help and comfort.


Image of Norman Lock & Son

Products & Services

burials arranged

chapel of rest

coffin & casket makers

crematoria & cemeteries arranged


funeral cars

funeral flowers

funeral services

grave tending & repairs

green funerals



horse drawn carriages

monumental masons & memorials

pre-paid funeral plans


funeral financial plans

repatriation service

non-religious funerals


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