Nice N Sleazy

421 Sauchiehall St, Glasgow, G2 3LG Directions

Business overview

Nice n Sleazy is a cafe bar serving a range of modern bar cuisine. They host regular DJs and live music, and have a pool table.


Great place to go on Mondays

This is entirely about the acoustic night downstairs, which I heartily recommend to anyone looking for or participating in an open-mic. Get there early or you will have to stand like we did until 11pm. Then it thins out a bit. The only snag for buskers is that you'll be lucky to do more than 1 song as it's one at a time and busy. But you could catch the human jukebox, rapper man, poetry man, a whole host of talented solo and duo performers including the voice of an angel with a twist in foul language not normally heard this side of Pink. But all in context of course! So that's ok, eh? My fav? Has to be the human jukebox - I've not heard anything like Stars on 45 at an open-mic!
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Great For Music

Great bar for having a few drinks and listening to some great tunes, has an excellent juke box. Drinks offers and special cocktails are available including buckfast laced ones! Has a nice sized venue downstairs where live music takes place.
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Good for bands

City centre locations - great for live music
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Cool bar

Good startin point before you head to a club or just a good bar to kick back and listen to some good tunes or see a live band.

Really good pints on offer. And they even sell buckfast!!!

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Not been in ages

used to be awesome on a night out they there and nicos then garage(whe door staff decided to let you in)
can not remember it everdoing food so hence no mark!!

worth a wee visit
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