National Centre for Integrative Medicine
Rodney House Clifton Down Rd, Clifton, Bristol, BS8 4AL Directions
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Business overview
An established Integrative Medicine practice with qualified medical professionals providing private and NHS Homeopathy clinics, alongside Mindfulness and Wellbeing courses
The Portland Centre for Integrative Medicine (PCIM) is a centre of excellence for sustainable healthcare based in Clifton, Bristol. We support the transformation of the health service in the UK, combining the best of conventional and complementary healthcare to deliver a holistic approach to Mindfulness and Wellbeing.
We are an employee-owned social enterprise, led by healthcare professionals, delivering the NHS contract for Homeopathy in Bristol alongside private and community-based services. We also provide Integrative Medicine education, training, research and evaluation programmes for clinicians and practitioners.
Specific services include:
Creative Writing for Wellbeing (in association with The Orchard Foundation)
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction
Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy
Mindfulness for Cancer Patients (in association with Penny Brohn)
Food for Wellbeing
Homeopathy (NHS and Private)
An excellent practice for complementary medicine
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