Mirfield Parish Church Cricket Club

Wellhouse Lane, Mirfield, WF14 0PN Directions

   Open today 12:00 - 23:30

Business overview

Cricket and Social Club

Mirfield Parish Church Cricket Club

Cricket Club and Social Club

Drinks and Bar Snacks Offered

Functions offered to Memebers Only

New Members Can Join twice through the year, applications available from the Club.

Products & Services

Pool Table



Quiz Night Monday Nights

Cricket Club


Very little respect shown towards their surroundings.

This club may well have a long established history, sell cheap beer and entertain those who seem incapable of behaving responsibly after taking advantage of such offers but they show no regard towards the safety or welfare of neighbouring families or property.
We have had substantial damage caused to vehicles by errant cricket balls over the years and more than a few near misses to children innocently playing in their garden. At 8pm this evening my wife came within a couple of feet of being hit by yet another stray ball coming over the inadequate fence only avoiding injury by moving swiftly as she heard the ball swish through the branches of their sycamore trees.
This event, as usual was followed by a group of men coming onto our property to demand their ball back. Once again, the ball was not returned.
Legal action will now follow in order for a sense of responsibility to be installed in the mind set of those that run this shoddy establishment before serious injury forces their inevitable demise.
19 May 2015
Subsequent to my earlier comment, the Police are currently in attendance as a male member of the Mirfield Parish Cricket crowd has assaulted my female neighbour following a similar incident as that described above, shortly followed by yet another ball barely missing three adults and a five year old boy. No one should have to put up with this shameful thuggish behaviour.
13 May 2016
Was the cricket ground built after you purchased the property? Has the perimeter fencing shortened in height since you took up residence in the property? As the comment, and subsequent reply are both written by you; I would assume that you were not properly versed on the potential hazards of living in a property beside a cricket club. If you value your safety, and that of your family members as much as your 'review' says you do, I would suggest making some steps to reduce your exposure to the risks that cricket balls may provide. Netting over your garden. Taking note of when fixtures are on at the ground. Lastly, could you advise if the complaints made to the police and accusations of assault were up held or lead to a prosecution or charge? I would like to know for my own piece of mind, living in the area myself.
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