J N Coins
Supplying and Buying High Quality Coins
PO Box 1030, Ipswich, IP1 9XL Directionshttps://www.yell.com/biz/j-n-coins-ipswich-8086194/#view=map
Our location
Business overview
JNCoins supplying high quality, carefully graded British coins to the discerning collector from any period. WE ARE KEEN TO BUY INDIVIDUAL COINS OR COLLECTIONS. Please contact us.
JNCoins is a UK coin dealer based in Suffolk supplying high quality and carefully graded antique coins to the discerning coin collector. We supply primarily British milled and hammered predecimal material from virtually any period.
We offer items that are carefully selected and graded. Our stock seeks to reflect an understanding of what is sought by coin collectors and investors alike.
We understand that you require a service from us that allows you to purchase with a high degree of confidence. Please see our 'terms and conditions' to see how easy it is to deal with us.
Products & Services
British Milled Coins
British Hammered Coins
Milled gold coins
Milled Silver Coins
Hammered silver coins
Hammered gold coins
Antique coins
Coin valuations