Heal with Heather Acupuncture
111 Charing Cross Rd, London, WC2H 0DT Directionshttps://www.yell.com/biz/heal-with-heather-acupuncture-london-10667240/#view=map
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Alternative Medicine
08 May 2023
Great service!
For many years now I have lived with the discomfort of Blepharitis in my eyelids.
Having had many Doctors appointments, I was informed that the condition of Blepharitis can only be managed and not cured.
After my Acupuncture treatment with Heather I am delighted to say that I am now free from this condition and the nagging discomfort that has plagued me for so long.
I found that Heather is compassionate, kind and caring and administers her Acupuncture practice with a reassuring confidence that put me at ease.
Having had many Doctors appointments, I was informed that the condition of Blepharitis can only be managed and not cured.
After my Acupuncture treatment with Heather I am delighted to say that I am now free from this condition and the nagging discomfort that has plagued me for so long.
I found that Heather is compassionate, kind and caring and administers her Acupuncture practice with a reassuring confidence that put me at ease.