Gillian Pierce MSc, MSTAT

2 Grisedale Way, Macclesfield, SK11 7XT Directions

Business overview

The Alexander Technique

I gave up a desk job at the age of thirty because of back trouble and to have a family. I have a narrowing of the spinal column (stenosis) and was prescribed pain killers and a daily exercise regime. Over the years my back problems deteriorated. Disillusioned with NHS care I attended a one day introduction to the Alexander Technique. I decided to have weekly individual lessons for six months. I did not know how profoundly it would change my life. In that time my use improved so much I was able to turn the clock back fifteen years, reducing my painkillers to once a day.

After a further six months of lessons, I decided to train as a teacher so I could help others. I still have the spinal stenosis but I cope with it so much better.

I have a BSc Hons in Liberal Studies in Science, an MSc and a Further and Adult Education Teaching Certificate. I have completed a three year, full-time training course as an Alexander Technique Teacher in Manchester

Products & Services

anxiety management

complementary medicine

holistic therapy

panic attacks treatment

stress management

Improve posture and balance

feel & look younger

Relieve and prevent pain

Move and breathe more easily

Become calmer and more relaxed

Exercise more efficiently and avoid stress and str

Improve musical, acting and sporting performance


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