Eden Foundation

Islamic academic excellence

77 Booth St, Birmingham, B21 0NH Directions

   Now closed Open Monday 16:30 - 19:30

Why Choose Us?

Highest Standards
Well Established
Friendly Atmosphere

Business overview

Children in the primary age-range of (5-19). We welcome to the Eden Islamic school boys and girls whose parents support the Islamic ethos.

Eden Foundation aims to promote moral and spiritual Islamic academic excellence in a caring and engaging environment whilst instilling the values of Britsh society. Educating and empowering the youth to become proud muslims in this society.

Furthermore, it aims to interact and engage with the community of Handsworth by providing services including Friday and Eid Prayer services, Youth Club facilities and host quarterly spiritual lectures from scholars and academics from around the world.


Image 2 of Eden Foundation


Basic children's education from £45 per month.
Tahfeezul Quraan from £50 per month
Adult courses from £60 per term

Products & Services

Evening Courses

Islamic Education


Breach of confidentuality.

The staffs at this Masjid is trying to avoid accountability for disclosing confidential information to abusers when the victim was seeking help from them. Avoid their marriage counselling service as they will go and disclose it to people you asked them not to disclose it too. They do try and take off the reviews that exposes them so that other people don't know and use the services.
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Eden foundation is doing well during lockdown masha Allah. Keep up the hard work. Allah reward all the staff that are working hard to continue the islamic education of our children
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