DriveSafe Driving School
Great value driving lessons
11 Blakes Way, Eaton Socon, St. Neots, PE19 8PU Directions
Our location
Business overview
Steve Bagot of Drivesafe is the highest qualified instructor in the St Neots area, being awarded 51 out of a possible 51 points on a recent DVSA Instructor Standards Check. Steve also has some great customer reviews, so check them out on Facebook or Google+.
If you are looking for a professional instructor who understands the needs of his customers and gets great results, Call Steve on 01480 582082
Products & Services
St Neots and Huntingdon area
Highest DVSA rated instructor in the area
Best customer reviews
Great new driver discounts - see our website
Professional full time instructor
Fully qualified - 15 years experience
Refresher courses
Pass Plus Instruction
Foreign licence conversion
Mobile/text: 07958 717574
Do not use this instructor.
15 Star
5Great,5 stars!
5Thanks again Steve!
31 May 2012
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