2 Sturt Cottages Gatewood Hill, Blackfield, Southampton, SO45 1XH Directions
Our location
Business overview
Concrete mixed on site waste!!
Have you ever taken on your own building project, like a conservatory or house extension, or are you a small builder competeing against the big boys? If the answer to either of these questions is yes, then you know how important it is to have reliable suppliers for your building materials. You don't want to be left standing with an empty wheelbarrow when your order for ready mixed concrete fails to, materialse, for example. The problem with selecting your suppliers through the Yellow Pages is that you often end up phoning a central shipping line 100 miles from where you live. The staff there have no local knowledge and are more likely to make mistakes when planning routes and delivery times leaving you fuming at the other end of a telephone. There is also the chance that in a huge industry that sells 30,000,000 cubic metres of concrete a year, your order for two or three cubic metres may receive less priority than a much bigger order from a huge national company.
Products & Services
Concrete contractors
Concrete floors
Imprinted concrete
Precast concrete
Ready-mixed concrete
Sand & gravel suppliers