Air Products PLC

Enterprise Drive, Westhill, Aberdeenshire, AB32 6TQ Directions

Business overview

Air Products provides full coverage of the UK, supplying cylinder & bulk gases for various applications including, welding, cutting, balloon gas, laboratories & food applications

Through the national network of manufacturing sites and agents, Air Products supplies cylinders & bulk gases, including acetylene, oxygen, argon, CO2, helium, propane, hydrogen and mixtures. Innovative solutions provide extra benefits to users, including the option to use cylinders with a built-in regulators and contents gauge as well as being lighter than traditional cylinders.


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Products & Services

Welding and cutting gases

Helium gas for balloons (lightweight cylinders)

UK's largest network of delivery locations

Food and drink gases

Oxygen & acetylene cylinders; with built-in safety

Lightweight cylinders for easier handling

Bulk gases for larger requirements

Award-winning products

National technical and application support

On-line tools to make buying gas easier

Gases - Industrial & Medical


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