Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre

3rd Floor Manchester Cental Library, St Peters Square, Manchester, M2 5PD Directions

Business overview

Welcome to The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust

The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust provides opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to learn about Britain’s ethnic minority communities. We run oral history projects to collect the life stories of Black communities in Manchester, organise events to share Black history and work with schools to make sure the next generation has a positive attitude to diversity in Britain.


Ahmed Iqbal Ullah was killed by a fellow-pupil in the playground of a Manchester school in 1986, aged thirteen years. The Trust is named in his memory and works out of the Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Race Relations Resource Centre


The Ahmed Iqbal Ullah Education Trust is glad to acknowledge the valued financial support provided by Manchester City Council and The University of Manchester.


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