
Woodlands Stonefields, Rustington, Littlehampton, BN16 3BY Directions

Business overview

for when you really mean business....

Whether for an ongoing retained service or a one off mailer follow up campaign, telemarketing is one of the quickest ways to get results because we aim straight for the decision maker.

Giving your sales team hot leads means they close sales more quickly, wasting less time on cold calling and spending more time generating revenue and looking after customers.

This is a service that can either be provided as part of the telemarketing or lead generation campaign or as a separate project.

When a client needs more than purely data cleansing and requires in depth analysis and reporting, we agree on the criteria, reporting structure and time frame to suit the clients needs..

mystery shopping gets to the heart of what your company does and how it is delivered through the eyes of your customer.

maintaining standards and service levels in your customer care are essential to keep you ahead of your competitors in an increasingly tough marketplace.

Products & Services

Lead Generation

Cold Calling

Appointment Setting

Telesales marketing

Telesales Training

Campaign Follow-ups

Database cleansing

Telephone Research

Mystery shopper

Customer care surveys

Telesales Consultancy



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