Age UK Bedfordshire

78-82 Bromham Rd, Bedford, MK40 2QH Directions

   Closed today Open Monday 09:30 - 16:00

Business overview

Age UK Bedfordshire

Age UK Bedfordshire is a local charity based in Bedford and operating throughout the whole of Bedfordshire for the benefit of all older people in the County.

We are a local partner of Age UK. Because of this we are able to effectively bring the views and opinions of the older people of Bedfordshire to the attention of local and national government.

As a charity we try to assist older people and their carers in any way we can through our range of services which include Information and Advice, Home Visits for form filling, Home Help, Handyperson and Gardening.

Previously known as Age Concern.

Products & Services



Home Help Service

Gardening Service

Handyperson Service

Aids & Equipment

Home Visits



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