Affordable Living Space Ltd
Oldbury Rd, West Bromwich, B70 9BS Directions
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Business overview
ALS provide modular accommodation to meet the demand for temporary and permanent ‘affordable accommodation’ to satisfy these requirements
A dwelling is defined, (in line with the 2001 Census definition), as a self-contained unit of accommodation where all the rooms, (including kitchen, bathroom and toilet), in a household are behind a single door. Non permanent, (or ‘temporary’), dwellings are included if they are the occupant’s main residence and council tax is payable on them as a main residence. From April 2012 affordable housing is defined in the National Planning Policy Framework.
ALS provide modular accommodation to meet the demand for temporary and permanent ‘affordable accommodation’ to satisfy these requirements.
ALS are able to provide affordable accommodation solutions which can have the appearance of traditional housing and be compliant with current building regulations.
Standard accommodation units are an affordable and quick way of providing clients with effective cost options.
Products & Services
Volumetric Buildings
Modular Buildings
Affordable Living
Build Off Site
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