3 D Auto Services
Family Run business for over 30 years
3d Auto Sevices, Craigesk, Dalkeith, EH22 4TP Directionshttps://www.yell.com/biz/3-d-auto-services-dalkeith-7648767/#view=map
Why Choose Us?
Our location
Business overview
Family run establishment with over 30 years experience.
3D Auto Services is a well established company that has built up an enviable reputation over the last 30 years. We pride ourselves on our commitment to provide a professional and speedy service at all times, whilst maintaining the highest quality of work.
We take appointments for the weekend.
Products & Services
brakes & clutches
brakes repairs
car air conditioning
car batteries
car brakes
car diagnostics
car engines
car puncture repairs
car repairs
car security
car servicing
check mot
clutch repairs
engine diagnostics
engine parts
exhaust systems
fuel injection
garage services
gear boxes
motorcycle mots
motorcycle repairs & services
oil change
tyre fitting
tyre repairs
tyre services
wheel repairs
No communication and issue not sorted
2Excellent service
5Very Very Good
5Bad service
1Would not go back to PLEASE AVOID!!